From left to right: Mayra Azanza, Kenneth Salas and Rachel Gil.
Almost 200 Latino entrepreneurs came to the event hosted by Su Socio De Negocios and the Mayor of Los Angeles to learn about the importance of internet and social networks
Interest in social media among the Hispanic business community has grown over the years, and it was reflected in the event held at the Los Angeles city hall by EC Hispanic Media and Su Socio De Negocios. Attendance was so large at the crowded event space that many people had to stand.
The topic of discussion, “How to create or grow digital presence in your company,” was the reason that people filled the room. The three panelists presented the importance of internet and social networks, shared some of their personal experience, and answered questions for the attendees.
“The people were very engaged. They have great ideas, and that is excellent,” said Mayra Azanza, one of the panelists. “There is a great deal of interest in the digital world. We know that this is the way, but we do not know how to get there. Listening to the testimonials of other people who already did helped a lot. People who have a business must know that a product cannot live long without digital presence, so events like this are very useful to know how to do it in an effective way, ” she added.
Attendees were attentive to the advice the experts were giving them. One of the attendees was Vanessa Correa, who is dedicated to teaching etiquette and urbanism classes. “I loved the panel. I learned about tools that I can use to grow. I did not have a website, but now I see that it is very important to have your own website and not within another company,” she said.
Kenneth Salas, another panelist, responded to one of the questions from the audience about what kind of business can be launched digitally. “I can summarize it this way: you have to have an idea, have a passion for it, find resources, research the market, and find a niche,” he said. In the end, everyone was happy to use this opportunity to chat with the experts and ask more questions.
About Su Socio De Negocios:
Su Socio De Negocios seeks to empower and educate Latino entrepreneurs. SSDN helps drive them toward success and increased sales through weekly newsletters, online content, and events featuring expert speakers who offer their experience, business insights and tips to help foster each person’s business growth.