San Bernardino. Empleoslatino.com, the Spanish-language job search portal owned by El Clasificado, and San Bernardino Valley College held their first shared job fair on Thursday which brought together more than 200 Latinos hoping to secure quality employment and opportunities through employment agencies, government entities, and various companies.
Job-seeker Marisel Glitter traveled from Apple Valley and, despite the drive, found the resources on-site to be useful in her employment pursuit. “I liked the fair because it’s very comprehensive and provides detailed information, which is important to avoid wasting time,” adding, “You never leave empty-handed. I recommend people attend these types of fairs because they receive support and information, and even if it’s not immediate, it opens up future possibilities.”
The fair featured companies such as Macy’s, Skillet Group, CSS Employment Group, and Bellflower Recycling, as well as the police departments of Stockton and San Bernardino.
Macy’s representative, Gabriela, mentioned that she enjoyed the experience of talking to people and understanding what they are looking for in the next companies they work for as well as steps in their careerpath. “Many people are seeking positions where Spanish is spoken, which is interesting because we can accommodate them,” she said. “I would encourage people not to be afraid of job hunting because there are always opportunities.” Macy’s in San Bernardino is currently looking for Spanish-speaking employees for its warehouse, which can also be found at macysjobs.com.
Officer Sánchez of the San Bernardino Police Department was also recruiting new officers. “It’s been interesting to see students approach us, looking to join our various units,” he noted. “We hire year-round. We are not affected if the job market is slowing down a bit out there.”
Daniel Herrera, a student at San Bernardino Valley College, is considering joining the police force. He has been studying film and computer science for two years. “I like the number of opportunities available. I’m very interested in the police department.” he said enthusiastically.
EmpleosLatino and El Clasificado will be hosting their next Job Fair in the city of Norwalk, CA on October 10th. To get more information, click here.
About El Clasificado
El Clasificado, dba EC Hispanic Media, was founded in 1988 as a weekly Spanish language community publication, is now a multimedia marketplace and digital agency with a mission to be the trusted channel of communication for thriving Latino communities throughout the nation. ElClasificado.com is ranked among the top 20 online marketplaces in the U.S.