El Clasificado Grows Weekly Circulation to 375,000 by extending reach into Lancaster, Victorville and Indio/Coachella Valleys. Demand for print continues strong in the Southern California Hispanic community.
Los Angeles, CA –August 26, 2009– Los Angeles’s leading Spanish language shopper, El Clasificado, announced today that it has expanded into three key Southern California valleys whose Hispanic populations have soared recently: Antelope Valley and Victor Valley in the High Desert, and Coachella Valley in Riverside County, thereby growing its weekly circulation to a record 375,000.
The announcement comes as a surprise to most followers of circulation trends, who have become accustomed to declines being the norm among print. El Clasificado’s expansion will increase the number of distribution spots for the Spanish-language weekly to 17,500, and boosts circulation up by 15,000. The expansion also brings its number of “zones” –geographic regions grouped into Hispanic targeted zip codes—to 27, up three from its previous count of 24 zones, and will bridge advertisers with Hispanic consumers in the cities of Lancaster, Palmdale, Victorville and Coachella. The Hispanic population of the expansion area is estimated at 500,000, according to Geolytics Estimates.
El Clasificado’s penetration into key Southern California valleys is due to a strong demand by clients. “Our presence in these zones also allows us to stimulate the economy in the best way possible, by continuing to create jobs in our communities,” affirmed Joe Badame, co-founder and COO of El Clasificado. The passion to empower Latino grassroots communities with a growing business that creates jobs has brought El Clasificado a spot in the 2009 ICIC-Business Week Small Biz Inner City 100 , an award founded by Harvard Business guru Michael Porter to recognize successful fast growing businesses that don’t abandon inner cities.
El Clasificado’s decision to expand comes on the heels of an independent study by Alloy Access, which challenges the assumption that “print is dead” by demonstrating that Hispanic consumers continue to read and engage with print newspapers. “The immediate success we have experienced in these new zones north of Los Angeles has prompted us to consider launching El Clasificado into Bakersfield –a region with an estimated Hispanic population of 127,000– before the end of this year,” stated Badame. “We are very fortunate that print continues to grow in the Hispanic community. However, despite this strong position in our print market space, we are even more fortunate that we have built a strong online presence with elclasificado.com, which has over 2.7 million monthly online pageviews, of which 87% are from US Latino visitors. The two platforms, print and online, are successfully in sync, and they round out a variety of options for advertisers who want to effectively reach the US Spanish speaking consumer.”
The Los Angeles Business Journal, Ernst & Young, Hispanic Business Magazine, and Inc Magazine, among others have also recognized El Clasificado’s growth and contributions to the Latino grassroots community.
El Clasificado is a multi-media print, online and grassroots event marketing solutions company that connects buyers and sellers in the Hispanic community through its handful of niche-oriented websites. A verified publication with a weekly circulation of over 375,000, El Clasificado print reaches more than 1 million Latinos and is distributed in more than 200 cities in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura and San Diego Counties.
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