EC Classifieds

Growing digital brand
for advertisers

About our brand

Empleos Latino is a one-stop-shop for the Hispanic community to search for and post a job. Today, there are more than 50 million Hispanics in the United States. Our mission, at, is to help find the best job for you. We provide the resources and accompany you in this process to make the path easier.

Reach your Hispanic millennial audience and advertise your product instantly

Distributed instantly and strategically

Our digital magazines targeted based on previous online activities and interests reach readers instantly.

Designed with interactivity for high conversions

Colorful animations, video clips, detailed content, and music are just a few options advertisers have to enhance their ad within the digital magazine.

Two way communication with readers

When content is created around the audience’s interests, they are more engaged and more apt to click on advertisements distributed throughout the content. It will a good chance for your ad to engage with readers.

In the press

El Clasificado Doubles Down on, Launching Weekly Digital Magazines and Virtual XV Expos

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